Condizioni di Pagamento
1. Order and bargain
All orders made through the e-shop are obligatory for both contract parties.
Seller refers to:
Eko Hunting s.r.o.
Vyšnokubísnka 320/242
026 01 Vyšný Kubín
IČO: 48079171, DIČ: 2120045092
VAT ID:SK2120045092
zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Žilina, Oddiel: Sro, Vložka číslo: 63516/L
IBAN:SK2809000000005069246271 BIC:GIBASKBX
By sending an order the customer confirms that he is acquainted with these purchase and claim conditions.
The electronic order is valid only in case when all the data required by system when registering or making an order are truly and completely filled.
Contract of sale between the seller and the buyer originates after sending an order by the buyer and after its receiving by the seller.
Buyer refers to a natural or legal person who orders any goods or services in the e-shop and concludes a remote contract with the seller by remote communication means like electronic post, telephone, fax, offer catalogue etc.
You make an order in that way that you choose the goods through the shopping basket, thereafter you select the type of delivery and the method of payment and you send the order. After sending the order you will receive the order copy by e-mail with the confirmation of data related to its realization. In case when the goods cannot be delivered within 14 working days you will be informed about this fact without any delay.
The customer is informed by e-mail in the day of consignment expedition. The invoice stands for the warranty deed at the same time and will be delivered to the customer together with the original not damaged goods.
Consumer (customer) in this text refers to a natural person who purchases the goods or uses the services for other purposes than enterprising or such a person who is going to purchase these products or services.
Supplier (seller) refers to a natural person – entrepreneur or legal person with whom the consumer will conclude a contract – the so called ‘remote contract’ in case of purchase (order).
Shop refers to an internet shop operated by the supplier and represented by the set of internet sites and applications of electronic shop on certain internet domain.
2. Delivery conditions
The Seller is obliged to:
- deliver the type and amount of ordered goods to the buyer for purchase price and under payment conditions valid in the day when the order is dispatched
- deliver the goods appropriately packed to the buyer so that it would not be damaged during the transfer
The Seller is not responsible for:
- late delivery of goods caused by post respectively by the transport company.
- late delivery of goods caused by incorrect address provided by the recipient.
- the consignment damage caused by post respectively by the transport company.
- contingent non delivery due to unpredictable obstacles.
The Buyer is obliged to:
- collect the ordered goods check the consistency of packages.
- pay for the goods the complete price and in terms of payment conditions valid in the day of order dispatch.
In case that the buyer does not collect the goods (based on the order) the seller reserves the right to set up a complaint to the indemnification. In case that the customer does not collect the goods with the first delivery and he requires re-delivery he is obliged to cover the costs for the first as well as for the repeated goods delivery.
Depending on business characteristics (amount, price, transport costs, distance etc.) mainly in case when the price is higher than 100 € the seller has the right to require the order authorization from the buyer in a reliable way, for example via phone or in written. In case of authorisation refusal by the buyer the operator/seller considers the order as invalid.
3. Delivery terms
The deliveries of the ordered goods are realized in the shortest possible term depending on the goods availability and operation possibilities of the seller. In case of late delivery of your ordered goods you will be informed in advance by e-mail about the change of the delivery day of your goods. The courier delivers the goods within 1-2 working days since the dispatch.
4. Price lists
The prices stated in our e-shop are valid in the time of goods order. We reserve the right of misprints and price changes in case of currency rate changes, significant inflation increase or significant changes of suppliers’ conditions from producers and other suppliers.
All the prices include 20% value added tax (VAT). The goods price does not include postal and packaging charges.
The invoice is a document of sale and is attached to each consignment and serves as a delivery note and certificate of warranty.
5. Payment and postal charges
The ordered goods are shipped by post to the address provided by the buyer in the order. With cash on delivery the buyer will pay the complete price to the carrier when collecting the goods.
6. Order cancellation
The buyer has the right to cancel the order without any reason by the time of goods dispatch. Please send the order cancellation to our e-mail we will send you the confirmation about the cancellation by return. In case of order cancellation we do not charge any fines or other payments related to the order cancellation. If the cancelled order was covered in advance the price for goods will be returned to the buyer within 15 days from the back out of the contract and thus by bank transfer.
The seller has the right to cancel the order if due to the stock sell off or the goods unavailability, not even when making all the possible effort which can be fairly required from him, is not able to deliver the goods to the buyer within the period declared by this terms or for the price stated in the e-shop and if he does not agree any facultative compensation with the buyer. The buyer will be informed by telephone or in written about the order cancellation and in case of payment of purchase price or its part the financial means will be paid within 7 days to the account provided by the buyer if he does not make any other agreement with the seller.
7. Return of the goods
Under the Art. 12 of law 108/2000 of the Code the consumer may return the goods bought in our internet shop without any reason not later than in 7 working days since it was collected. After the collecting the buyer has the right to unpack the goods and test is in a similar way as if it was bought in a classic shop. However to test the goods is not the same as to start using the goods and to return it to the seller after few days. The goods are to be returned to the company’s post address Alena Kubalová (Slnečná 93, 029 42 Bobrov, Slovakia). Please send the goods in original packaging, complete, not used and not damaged. To have your money returned we need you to send us:
- goods in original packaging, not damaged
- original of invoice
- copy of the document about the goods collection (due to delivery date)
When returning the goods the transport costs are covered by the customer. We do not accept the returned goods sent as cash on delivery. The price for the goods will be paid to the customer without any delay after checking the returned goods within 15 days from the back out of the contract and thus by bank transfer.
In accordance with the Art.12 section 5 of the above mentioned law the buyer cannot back out of the contract which considers following subjects:
- providing of a service if it started to be filled with agreement of the buyer before expiration of the term to back out of the contract,
- sale of goods produced according to the special requirements of the buyer or goods specifically dedicated to one buyer or goods which cannot be returned due to its specifications;
8. Warranty
Warranty follows the provisions of the Civil Code No.40/1964 as amended. Warranty period is 24 months if it is not stated differently by particular product and starts with the day of goods collection by the buyer.
The warranty period is extended by the period when the buyer could not use the goods due to its warranty repair. In case of goods exchange for the new one the buyer receives the document stating the exchanged product and other possible complaints will be processed based on the original delivery note and this complaint protocol. In case of goods exchange for the new one the warranty for the new product starts newly since its collection. The warranty terminates with the goods damage caused by unprofessional usage or other nonstandard treatment.
The buyer executes the warranty service at the seller (Alena Kubalová). We provide the information about the warranty extended services by e-mail when required.
9. Complaints procedure
Before collecting and paying for the goods we recommend to the buyer to check at place if the consignment is not damaged. We do not recommend collecting the consignment in case of extensive damage (torn packaging, deformations and other extensive damages).
In case of complaint the buyer sends the claimed goods to the post address of the company. The package must be properly wrapped and shall contain following: claimed goods including accessories, original certificate of warranty, copy of invoice, defect description and contact data of the buyer – return address, phone number, e-mail. The goods shall be sent either like a package or registered like a letter. The consignment will not be received when sent like cash on delivery. We recommend insuring the goods. The claimed goods shall be delivered clean and mechanically not damaged.
The seller covers the return transport after the execution of valid complaint.
The customer has right to have the defect eliminated in case when this defect occurs within the warranty period. In case when the defect is not possible to eliminate the supplier substitutes the defect goods with the new one or after agreement – with the goods of different type and the price difference will be paid or returned.
Warranty does not refer to the damages caused by:
- natural or extensive mechanical wear
- pollution of the goods or its parts due to neglected maintenance
- using the goods under the conditions which do not match with their temperature, dustiness, humidity, chemical and mechanical influences of the environment with those where the goods is normally used
- external effects, for example fall or impact, getting water into the electric parts
- interference with goods by unauthorised person (inexpert repairs or modifications)
- overstrain for example by thunderbolt, magnetic field influence
- using the goods in contrariety to operating instructions
- mechanical damage – torn, cut, gods damaged by heat, goods damaged by careless excessive treatment, wilful coats scratching and so on.
The warranty does not refer to the damages occurred due to elemental event, elementary catastrophe, violent damage, climatic conditions or usage in the extreme or atypical conditions.
All the by right processed warranty repairs are free including the transport costs for the delivery of repaired goods to the buyer.
The seller makes the decision about the complaint immediately, in complicated cases within 3 working days. In reasonable cases, mainly when complicated technical valuation of the goods or service’s condition are required, not later than in 30 days since the complaint was applied. After expiring this period the consumer has the right to back out of the contract or to have the goods changed for the new one.
The seller notifies the buyer about the complaint execution and thus by phone, message or e-mail and sends the goods on his own costs to the buyer’s address. The seller sends also the complaint protocol together with the goods.
The warranty period for the offered goods is 24 months if there is no longer period stated with the product and starts with the day of goods collection by the customer.
We provide the information about the service places for warranty and extended service by phone or e-mail when required.
The repaired goods and the complaint protocol will be sent to the buyer after executing the complaint.
With the complaint execution the warranty period is extended by the complaint period. If the complaint was processed within legal warranty period by the goods exchange for the new one then the warranty period starts to run again since the date of complaints execution.
11. Personal data protection
The data that you provide are after the registration or order receipts exclusively stored on the server and are not accessible to the third parties at all.
Following personal data are maintained in our databases:
In case of natural person – private person: First name, Surname, Address, Telephone, E-mail.
In case of legal person - company: Company name, Name of responsible person, Surname of responsible person, Headquarters address, Goods delivery address, Telephone, E-mail.
All the personal data that you provide when registering or making an order are used exclusively for the purpose of administrative processing of your order, for the purpose of creating and archiving of taxation documents and running the e-shop In case when you are registered on and you decide to change your personal data or to check them you can do that after signing in the section Login - "Your data".
Your personal data are saved in the databases for the indefinite time.
You can ask for the deletion of the personal data from the database or for the registration cancellation at by e-mail or at
You will be informed about the data deletion respectively about the registration cancellation by e-mail within 5 working days.
Under the Act No. 428/2002 of the Code about the personal data protection the operator of the e-shop commits that the personal data which are provided by the buyer by means of ordering form will be not provided to the third party without agreement of their owner. At the same time he commits that the personal data will be deleted from the database anytime when required by the customer.